Use of tar files and extraction methods are explained in this page.
Downloading files with "wget":
Document Creation
Documents can be created with "touch" command, which uses syntax as shown below:
touch [parameters] [document_name]
For example:
touch essay.txt
To create multiple documents:
touch essay1.txt essay2.txt essay3.txt
Directory Creation
Directories can be created with "mkdir" command, which means "make directory" and uses syntax as shown below:
mkdir [parameters] [direction_name]
For example:
mkdir directory1
Change Directory command is used with "cd" abbreviation.
For example:
cd Desktop
Reading Document
Documents can be read with "cat" command. The syntax of "cat" is shown below:
cat [parameters] [document_name]
For example:
cat essay.txt
Our "cat" command syntax includes two special parameters.
First one is shown below:
cat > essay.txt
This command creates "essay.txt" if it does not exist. If it exists, removes the data inside it. Then it opens a gate to type what you want. So, you can edit the data. After you finish your typing, you must use "Ctrl+D" combination as End of File.
Second one is shown below:
cat >> essay.txt
This command does not remove the data inside the document. It opens a gate for you to type something you want, from end of the document. This gate is closed with "Ctrl+D" combination, too.
How to use Adobe Flash Player on CentOS 7:
PWM motor speed controller scheme is included in this page:
How to Compile and Run a C/C++ Code in Linux:
Tilda(~) refers to "home" directory.
Dollar sign($) refer that we are using terminal as normal user.
Diyez(#) refer that we are using terminal as root user.
Shell(kabuk), BASH(bourne again shell),
A computer can use more than one shell.
SHELL types; Bash, zsh...
Shell provides communication between kernel and user.
apropos -> search the manual page names and descriptions
whatis -> display one-line manual page descriptions
pwd -> print name of current/working directory
ls -> list
cd -> change directory
cd .. -> top directory
absolute directory, absolute path can be used as shown in the example below:
cd /home/username/Desktop/
We can use Relative Path as shown in the example below:
cd Desktop/
The command works if our current directory is home/username.
df -> mount edilmis file sistemleri listeler.
df -h -> daha duzgun bir cikti verir.
komutlar, ihtiyacimiz dahilinde cagirilir, kullanilir. yuzde 99'unun manual page'leri var. amacim bu komutlari kullanarak sistemde istedigimiz islemleri yapmak. komutlar, c'de, python'da veya farkli dillerde yazilmis olabilir.
komut, o an sistemde yapmak istedigimiz ayarlar. komutlarin inputlari vardir. bir veya birden cok input verilebilir.
gcc -> stallman'in yazdigi C derleyicisidir.
gcc -a hello.c -o hello
whereis ->
whereis ciktisini cat'a basmaya bakacagiz ilerde.
cat $(echo "/usr/bin/ls")
sayesinde echo'nun ciktisini cat'e veriyoruz.
dollar sign provides this property.
nano editor
centos ve benzeri surumlerde standart olarak daha hafif olan vi gelir,
digerlerinde nano yuklu gelir.
file isa.mp3
iceriginde ne oldugunu gosterir.
Commands below show last modification date:
date -r yusuf.txt
ls -l [dir]
3 Temmuz 2019 Çarşamba
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